chun yin rainbow
CHAN 陳雋然

Girl in the Gloaming 墓夕, 2024. Silk dye on habotai silk, wax resist, decolourant, 14 carat gold thread, linocut print, cotton. Series of 5: each 305cm x 140cm. Photo by Jessica Maurer.

Three Days After 三朝回門, 2024. Three-channel HD video with sound, 6:20 minutes. Photo by Jessica Maurer.

Chastity Pig 宮紗珠, 2024. Foam, latex, shellac, LED bulbs, MDF board, satin, scissors, wet market red lamps. Pig and Satin Plinth designed by Al Joel. Upholstery by Lisandro Sanchez. Photo by Jessica Maurer.
For Cement Fondu’s 6th annual pairing of an esteemed international artist with a local rising star, Turner Prize nominated Sin Wai Kin is teamed with award-winning multidisciplinary artist Rainbow Chan in Retellings, a gallery exhibition and live performance, co-presented with Phoenix Central Park.
Exhibited at Cement Fondu, Retellings (Revisions) combines the two artists’ world-building practices to envelop audiences in an estranged environment that weaves together newly commissioned artwork by Chan with film works by UK-based Sin, which have previously not been seen in Australia before.
In Retellings (Revisions), new silk painting, sculpture and a short film by Chan continue her exploration of bittersweet bridal laments passed down via matrilineal storytelling through the Weitou women indigenous to Hong Kong, with whom she has ancestral ties. While full of despair, Chan reinvests these laments with hope, celebrating them as fierce moments of public protest and affecting, metaphorical meditations on the diasporic experience of transitioning between homes